Original Title: TITANIC


Visually the film is fantastic, but I can't say that about the music, so my idea is to use alternative music in the edition.
It also becomes less romantic and focuses more on the collision with the iceberg.
Titanic has been done several times by other fan editors, I've never seen it, not enough time so to speak.
There was one exception, a clown who made an edit with a running time of one hour, I was curious how you could fit the story into one hour 
and it was honestly one of the worst edits I've seen.
Complete rubbish, not seriously worked on it at all.
Anyway, my adaptation remains in 1912, there is no old Rose and all those scenes around it.
I can't say at the moment when there will be a release.
For the time being it will remain in the "in the works" page.